We are going to have a comprehensive look at the astrological patterns for July 2023. While the month may bring some stormy aspects, it is important to note that these patterns are not necessarily negative. With the Cancer energy and the influence of Pluto and Leo, July offers a unique opportunity for nurturing leadership and efficient problem-solving. Let’s dive deeper into the astrological highlights of July 2023.

The Significance of Cancer in July
The month of July is marked by the presence of the zodiac sign Cancer. Known as a water sign, Cancer is associated with emotions, compassion, mothering, and nurturing. This energy sets the tone for the month and encourages us to connect with our own emotional depths and extend care and compassion to those around us. With Cancer’s influence, we may find ourselves more in touch with our feelings and more empathetic towards others. This can be a powerful time for deepening relationships and creating a sense of emotional security within ourselves and our communities.
Aside from its association with Cancer, July also brings the influence of Pluto and Leo. Pluto is a transformative planet that represents power, intensity, and deep inner workings. Its presence can bring about profound changes and transformations, both on an individual and societal level. Meanwhile, Leo is a fiery sign associated with creativity, self-expression, and leadership. Together, the combination of Pluto and Leo adds a dynamic and powerful energy to the month.
Additionally, July 2023 presents us with an opportunity for nurturing leadership and efficient problem-solving. The Cancer energy reminds us to approach challenges with emotional intelligence, using our intuition and empathy to find creative solutions. This can be a time to step into leadership roles with a focus on caring for others and creating a harmonious environment. With the influence of Pluto, we may uncover deep-seated issues that need to be addressed and transformed in order to achieve effective problem-solving. July invites us to tap into our inner strength and harness the power of emotional connexion to find innovative and efficient ways of overcoming obstacles.
In summary, July 2023 offers a unique blend of emotional depth, transformative power, and creative leadership. It calls us to embrace the nurturing energy of Cancer, while harnessing the intensity of Pluto and the self-expression of Leo. This month encourages us to explore our emotional depths, extend care to others, and approach problems with empathy and creativity. By doing so, we have the opportunity to foster personal growth, deepen connexions, and make significant progress in our endeavours.
Pluto’s Anoretic Degree of Capricorn
A notable astrological event in July is Pluto’s position at the anoretic degree of Capricorn. The anoretic degree, also known as the 29th degree, represents a transition point. It intensifies the energy of Pluto, the planet of power and transformation, bringing a potent energy for ego regulation and deep inner transformation. This is a time for reassessment and releasing old patterns that no longer serve us.
Another astrological highlight in July is the influence of Cancer energy, which encourages nurturing leadership and emotional intelligence. Cancer is a sign known for its caring nature and ability to create a secure and loving environment. The presence of Cancer energy during July provides an opportunity to tap into our own nurturing abilities and lead with compassion.
Additionally, Leo’s influence during July amplifies the energy of self-expression and creativity. Leo is a sign associated with confidence and courage, and its influence can inspire us to step into leadership roles and solve problems with ingenuity. With Pluto in Capricorn and the influence of Cancer and Leo, July offers a unique opportunity for efficient problem-solving and nurturing leadership.
As we navigate the stormy aspects of July, it is important to remember that these patterns are not necessarily negative. Instead, they provide the celestial backdrop for personal growth and transformation. By harnessing the energies of Pluto, Cancer, and Leo, we can embrace the challenges and channel them into positive change. July 2023 invites us to step into our power, release old patterns, and lead with wisdom and compassion.
Leo Activity and Leadership
July also highlights the energy of Leo, as both Mars and Mercury transit thru this fiery sign. Leo is associated with confidence, self-expression, and leadership. With Mars in Leo, we are encouraged to speak with authority and assertiveness, while Mercury in Leo emphasises heart-centred communication and the power of our words. This combination presents an opportunity to embrace new levels of leadership and inspire others thru luv-centred influence.
Additionally, the nurturing and intuitive energy of Cancer plays a significant role in July’s astrological patterns. Cancer is the sign of emotional depth and sensitivity, and with influences from Pluto, we may experience intense transformative energies. However, these patterns are not necessarily negative; rather, they present an opportunity for deep healing and inner growth. This month, we are encouraged to nurture ourselves and others, allowing our emotions to guide us towards efficient problem-solving.
In summary, July 2023 offers a unique combination of Leo’s confident leadership energy and Cancer’s nurturing and intuitive qualities. It is a month where we can tap into our inner strength and communicate with power and luv. By embracing these energies, we have the potential to inspire others and find efficient solutions to any challenges that arise.
July 2023 Astrology Forecast
Kathy Rose
Full Moon in Capricorn: Balancing the Body-Mind-Spirit Connexion
On July 3rd, a Full Moon occurs in Capricorn, creating a powerful celestial alinement. The Sun and Mercury conjunct in Cancer oppose the Moon in Capricorn, emphasising the need for balance and integration between our emotional selves (Cancer) and our practical and disciplined sides (Capricorn). This Full Moon highlights the importance of listening to our bodies and recognising the intuitive signals that come thru the body-mind-spirit connexion. By efficiently utilising this connexion, we can tap into our inner wisdom and make decisions that aline with our highest good.
- Full Moon in Capricorn: A powerful celestial alinement on July 3rd.
- Balancing Emotions and Practicality: The Sun and Mercury conjunct in Cancer oppose the Moon in Capricorn, urging us to find a balance between our emotional and practical selves.
- Listening to Intuition: The Full Moon highlights the importance of paying attention to our bodies and recognising intuitive signals.
- Alining with Highest Good: By utilising the body-mind-spirit connexion, we can make decisions that aline with our highest good.
The Quinta Chillies Aspect and Empowerment
During July, Pluto at the 29th degree of Capricorn forms a Quinta Chillies aspect to Mercury. This aspect represents empowerment thru deep inner transformation and the efficient use of the body mind spirit connexion. It encourages us to trust our intuition and embrace the full potential of our personal power. By alining our actions with our inner guidance, we can navigate challenges with grace and confidence.
This alinement of Pluto and Mercury in a Quinta Chillies aspect emphasises the importance of deep inner transformation in our lives. It is a reminder to tap into the power of our intuition and listen to the wisdom within. When we trust our instincts and aline our actions with our inner guidance, we can make informed decisions that lead to positive outcomes.
Additionally, the 29th degree of a sign is considered a critical degree, indicating a sense of urgency and transformation. It is a call to action, urging us to make necessary changes in our lives and embrace new opportunities. July presents a favourable environment for us to take bold steps forward and embrace our personal power.
Furthermore, Cancer energy throughout the month provides a nurturing foundation for this deep inner transformation. Cancer is associated with emotions, intuition, and home. With this energy, we can create a safe space for ourselves to explore our emotions, connect with our intuition, and nurture our personal growth. It’s a time to prioritise self-care and emotional well-being, allowing us to become more resilient and better equipped to handle challenges.
The influence of Leo in July adds a touch of creativity and self-expression to the astrological landscape. Leo is known for its leadership qualities and the ability to shine in the spotlight. This energy reminds us to embrace our unique talents, take charge of our lives, and nurture our inner leader. By embodying the qualities of Leo, we can step into positions of influence and effectively solve problems.
In conclusion, the astrological patterns of July 2023 offer a unique opportunity for deep inner transformation, nurturing leadership, and efficient problem-solving. By trusting our intuition, alining our actions with our inner guidance, and embracing our personal power, we can navigate challenges with grace and confidence. This month presents a fertile ground for growth and self-discovery. It’s time to embrace the transformative energies and become the leaders of our own lives.
Venus and Mars Conjunction, Uranus Square, and Problem-Solving
The Full Moon in Capricorn marks a significant astrological event in July 2023. This powerful alinement occurs alongside a conjunction between Venus and Mars, while squaring Uranus. This combination presents an opportunity to merge gracefulness and innovation in problem-solving. By embracing a harmonious and confident approach to challenges, we can tap into our creative potential and find unique solutions. It reminds us to think outside the box and overcome obstacles with a fresh perspective.
It is crucial to be mindful of our emotions during this time. The intense energy of the Full Moon, coupled with the Uranus square, may bring about frustration, anger, and pride in our interactions and relationships. Navigating the changing dynamics requires us to stay grounded and self-aware, understanding that conflicts and sudden shifts are part of growth and transformation. Maintaining a balance between assertiveness and adaptability will be key to fostering healthy connexions and resolving conflicts in a constructive manner.
Mars in Virgo: Service and Humility
As Mars transitions from Leo to Virgo towards the end of July, the energy shifts from fiery leadership to earthy service. Mars in Virgo emphasises humility, efficiency, and attention to detail. It encourages us to infuse our actions with a sense of service and take pride in the quality of our work. This period provides an opportunity to explore a different style of leadership, one that is focussed on the greater good and the well-being of others.
- Mars in Virgo highlights the importance of efficiency and attention to detail in our actions.
- This energy shift encourages us to take pride in the quality of our work.
- Infusing our actions with a sense of service can lead to nurturing leadership and effective problem-solving.
With Mars in Virgo, July offers an opportunity for nurturing leadership and efficient problem-solving. It is a chance for us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace a style of leadership that prioritises the well-being of others. With an emphasis on humility, efficiency, and attention to detail, Mars in Virgo encourages us to take pride in the quality of our work and approach problem-solving with a sense of service. By infusing our actions with a desire to contribute to the greater good, we can navigate the stormy aspects of July and emerge as effective leaders and problem-solvers.
Mercury, Venus, and the New Moon in Cancer: Heart-Centred Communication and Empowerment
Towards the middle of July, Mercury enters Leo, joining Venus in this passionate sign. This alinement offers an opportunity to use confidence and authority in our voice, both in personal and professional settings. It encourages us to speak from the heart and express ourselves authentically. This luv-centred communication can inspire others and create a harmonious and empowering environment.
On July 17th, a New Moon occurs in Cancer, further enhancing the energy of empowerment and compassion. This potent energy supports us in planting new seeds of intention and role modelling the qualities we wish to see in the world. With the Cancer energy and the influence of Pluto and Leo, July offers a unique opportunity for nurturing leadership and efficient problem-solving.
Mars Opposite Saturn: Efficiency and Discipline
On July 20th, Mars forms an opposition with Saturn, bringing together the efficiency of Mars and the discipline of Saturn. This aspect calls for incredible resourcefulness and problem-solving skills. It encourages us to approach challenges with a structured and disciplined mindset while maintaining efficiency in our actions. It is important to manage frustration, anger, and impatience during this time, remembering that perseverance and determination are key to overcoming obstacles.
During this aspect, it is advisable to make a list of tasks and prioritise them based on importance and urgency. Creating a step-by-step plan will help streamline your efforts and ensure that you are making the most of your time and energy. Focus on one task at a time and avoid multitasking, as it can lead to scattered energy and a lack of focus.
Additionally, practising patience and practising self-care will be essential during this period. Take breaks when needed, engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, and seek support from loved ones or a mentor if you feel overwhelmed. Remember that leadership is not about doing everything alone; it is about being resourceful and knowing when to seek assistance.
Overall, the Mars opposition with Saturn in July 2023 brings forth a powerful combination of energy that can be harnessed for effective problem-solving and nurturing leadership. By remaining focussed, disciplined, and patient, you have the potential to overcome challenges and achieve your goals during this time.
Venus Retrograde: Examining Relationships and Power Dynamics
On July 23rd, Venus begins its retrograde phase in Leo, bringing an introspective energy to our relationships and shared power dynamics. This period invites us to examine all types of relationships and assess whether there is a healthy balance of power and a genuine sense of shared power. It is a time to re-evaluate our values, redefine our boundaries, and cultivate harmony and grace in our interpersonal connexions. During this retrograde phase, it is important to reflect on the ways in which we assert our own power and how it impacts those around us. This introspective energy encourages us to delve deeper into our emotions and examine any patterns or issues that may be inhibiting our ability to create strong and harmonious relationships.
As Venus retrogrades thru Leo, it reminds us to embrace our own individuality and shine our unique light onto the world. This is a time to reconnect with our passions and creative self-expression. We may find ourselves revisiting past creative projects or reconnecting with old flames. However, it is important to approach these encounters with a sense of reflection and growth, rather than falling into old patterns or being driven solely by ego. This Venus retrograde period is an opportunity to reassess our values, desires, and relationships, so that we can move forward with greater authenticity, self-luv, and alinement with our true purpose.
During this retrograde phase, it is vital to practise patience and self-compassion. Retrogrades often bring forth unresolved issues and feelings from the past, and it can be a challenging time emotionally. Embracing self-care practises such as meditation, journaling, and spending time in nature can support us in navigating these energies with grace and understanding. Remember, this phase is not meant to bring chaos or disruption, but rather to provide us with an opportunity for growth and transformation. By embracing the introspective energy of Venus retrograde in Leo, we can become more aware of our own power and gracefully navigate our relationships, allowing for greater harmony and fulfilment.
In addition to the Venus retrograde, July 2023 also brings other significant astrological events. On July 7th, we have a New Moon in Cancer, which amplifies the nurturing and protective energies of this sign. It is a time to create intentions related to emotional healing, home, and family dynamics. This New Moon offers a potent opportunity to plant seeds of transformation and set intentions that aline with our emotional well-being and sense of security.
On July 12th, Mercury enters Cancer, bringing a focus on communication and emotional intelligence. This transit stimulates our ability to connect with others on a deeper level and express our emotions with clarity and sensitivity. It is a favourable time for intimate conversations, seeking emotional support, and nurturing our mental and emotional well-being.
Lastly, on July 27th, we have a Full Moon in Aquarius, which illuminates the need for balance between our individuality and our connexion to the collective. This Full Moon encourages us to embrace our unique perspectives and contributions while also recognising the importance of collaboration and community. It is a time to find a harmonious balance between our personal desires and the greater good, and to celebrate the diversity and interconnectedness of humanity.
Mercury Square Uranus: Innovative Ideas and Present-Moment Awareness
In late July, Mercury forms a square aspect with Uranus, igniting innovative ideas and potential anxiety. This aspect encourages us to embrace new perspectives, think outside the box, and trust in our unique insights. It is essential to practise breathing techniques and cultivate present-moment awareness to manage any potential anxiety that may arise. By staying grounded and centred, we can harness the transformative power of this aspect and bring about positive change.
Another important celestial event in July is the Cancer energy and the influence of Pluto and Leo, which provide a unique opportunity for nurturing leadership and efficient problem-solving. The nurturing and protective nature of Cancer combined with the transformative energy of Pluto and the confident and ambitious energy of Leo pave the way for individuals to step into their leadership roles and tackle challenges with determination and effectiveness. This alinement reminds us to tap into our inner strength and lead with empathy and compassion.
In summary, July 2023 presents an astrological landscape that invites us to cultivate innovative thinking, manage anxieties, and embrace our leadership potential. By embracing new perspectives and staying grounded, we can navigate the stormy aspects and find creative solutions to problems. Let us make the most of this transformative energy and nurture our leadership abilities to bring positive change into our lives and the world.
Mercury Conjunct Venus: Creative Thinking and Harmonious Communication
As the month comes to a close, Mercury alines with Venus in Leo, creating a powerful aspect for creative thinking and harmonious communication. This alinement blends the masculine and feminine polarities, embodying the essence of the goddess of leadership. It encourages us to communicate from a place of luv and express our unique creativity in all areas of life. By embracing heart-centred leadership, we can inspire others and create a positive impact in the world. This aspect reminds us that effective leadership involves valuing and integrating both our rational and emotional capacities.
Furthermore, Mercury and Venus in Leo bring a sense of passion and enthusiasm to our interactions and decision-making processes. This fiery energy fuels our ability to think outside the box and find innovative solutions to challenges. It invites us to step into our power, confidently sharing our ideas and visions with others.
In addition to the harmonious alinement of Mercury and Venus, the influence of Leo throughout July encourages us to tap into our creative potential and express our individual talents. Leo is a sign associated with self-expression, confidence, and leadership. This cosmic energy supports us in taking charge of our lives and pursuing our passions with determination and courage. It reminds us that we all have unique gifts to offer and that by embracing our creativity, we can make a positive impact on our surroundings.
As we navigate the astrological patterns of July 2023, let us remember the significance of nurturing leadership and efficient problem-solving. The alinement of Mercury and Venus encourages us to communicate from a place of luv and embrace heart-centred leadership. The influence of Leo invites us to unleash our creative potential and confidently express our unique gifts. By harnessing these energies, we can inspire others, find innovative solutions, and make a positive impact in the world.
July 2023 presents a unique blend of astrological energies that invites us to embrace nurturing leadership, efficient problem-solving, and heart-centred communication. By tapping into the power of the body-mind-spirit connexion, embracing transformation and empowerment, and cultivating compassion and luv, we can make the most of the opportunities this month brings. Let us use this time to plant powerful seeds of intention and embody the qualities of leadership and empowerment we wish to see in ourselves and in the world.
With the Cancer energy and the influence of Pluto and Leo, July offers a unique opportunity for nurturing leadership and efficient problem-solving. These astrological patterns are not negative but rather provide a chance to harness the energy of creativity and emotional depth. As we aline ourselves with this energy, we can tap into our intuition and emotional intelligence, allowing us to navigate challenges with grace and compassion. The influence of Pluto encourages us to dig deep and transform any areas of our lives that may be holding us back. By doing so, we can step into our personal power and embrace our true potential. Additionally, the influence of Leo invites us to shine our light and express ourselves authentically, inspiring others to do the same. As we integrate these energies, we can find ourselves becoming effective leaders and problem solvers, guiding others with warmth and empathy.
The astrological highlights of July 2023 remind us that leadership and problem-solving can be approached with a nurturing and heart-centred mindset. It is important to take the time to connect with our inner selves and listen to the wisdom of our hearts. By cultivating self-care and self-compassion, we can develop strong foundations from which to lead and make decisions. This month encourages us to balance our assertiveness with gentleness, as we inspire and encourage others to step into their own leadership roles. As we navigate the stormy aspects that may arise, it is essential to stay grounded and centred. By nurturing ourselves and others, embracing transformation, and cultivating luv and compassion, we can navigate the challenges of July 2023 with grace and resilience. This is a month of growth and empowerment, where we have the opportunity to step into our leadership potential and create positive change in our lives and the world around us.